11 Mar Bróg
Bróg was founded by Danieli Dutra in 2022.
Danieli Dutra is a Brazilian designer and Irish citizen. She has a Master’s Degree in Business and a Postgraduate Degree in Marketing.
Bróg is the Gaelic – Irish word for shoe and reflects the Irish influences of the designer.
Bróg shoes are influenced by the evolution of denim from working clothes into luxury fashion garments. The shoes are a modern statement of style and are ethically made by highly skilled artisans in Italy.
The Bróg collections introduce Denim footwear as a unique and timeless shoe line for effortlessly chic women. The result is a seductive collection which is exclusive and daring.
Bróg signature designs are a seamless fusion of denim and leather represented by an impeccable embroidery pattern and edgy designs that deliver an exquisite footwear collection.

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